For the month of January 2016 Cadence Capital Limited returned a negative gross performance of 5.23% compared to a decrease in the All Ordinaries Accumulation Index of 5.38%. Over the past 12 months Cadence Capital Limited has returned a positive gross performance of 5.12% outperforming the All Ordinaries Accumulation Index by 9.81%.
As at the 31st January 2016 the fund was holding 34% cash (66% invested).
Fund NTA
Fund Performance
* Before Management and Performance Fees
**These numbers include the franking value of the substantial dividend from its RHG holding received in May 2011.
CDM Share Price and Option Returns plus Dividends & Franking
* CDM 1 year figures reflect the share price move from a premium to a discount to NTA
Fully Franked Dividends Declared Since Listing
* Off market equal access buy back
Historic Portfolio Exposure
Portfolio Sector Analysis
Top Portfolio Positions
Recent News Articles
Karl Siegling discussed the themes and trends that shaped investment returns in 2015, and whether they will hold true through 2016 in his latest interview with Livewire.
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Simon Bonouvrie explained how Cadence acts when a position experiences significant losses, and the importance of being proactive for Livewire’s latest Buy Side Brief.
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