For the month of January 2018 Cadence Capital Limited returned a negative gross performance of 2.2% compared to a decrease in the All Ordinaries Accumulation Index of 0.3%. For the past 7 months, Cadence Capital Limited has returned a positive gross performance of 13.1% outperforming the All Ordinaries Accumulation Index by 4.2%.
On 7th February 2018 the Company announced a record half year profit and declared a 4.0 cent fully-franked interim dividend. This 4.0 cent fully-franked interim dividend equates to a 6.2% annual fully franked yield, or a 8.8% gross yield (grossed up for franking credits), based on the CDM share price at the time of the announcement. The Ex-Date for the dividend is the 9 April 2018 and the payment date is the 23 April 2018. Shareholders can participate in the Dividend Re-Investment Plan (“DRP”) at a 3% discount. The closing date for the DRP election is the 12 April 2018. If you would like to participate in the DRP please complete the DRP Application Form and return it to our Share Registry, BoardRoom Pty Limited by this date. Directors Karl Siegling and Wayne Davies intend to fully participate in the DRP.
As at the 31st January 2018 the fund held 16.6% cash (83.4% invested).
Fund NTA
Fund Performance
CDM Share Price and Option Returns plus Dividends & Franking
Fully Franked Dividends Declared Since Listing
Historic Portfolio Exposure
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Recent News Articles
The Australian Investors Association (AIA) published Article 7 from the Cadence Investing Series ‘Price to Earnings Growth Ratio’ in their monthly members newsletter. The next article in the series, ‘Cash Flow – A critical measure’, will follow in their February newsletter.
The Way of the Turtle and The Little Book That Beats the Market have been added to the 52 books you should read before buying your next stock page on our website.
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