Banks approaching “maximum pessimism” and on the slide…

October, 2018

In this interview with Lucas Baird from RFI Group, Karl Siegling warns “Australian banks are on a slide and investors should keep their distance as the industry reaches, maximum pessimism.”

“Royal Commission, Hayne, conflicts of interest, vertical & horizontal integration, everything you’ve read in the paper – it may be that temporarily we have formed a point of maximum pessimism because it is just so negative.”

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10 Books To Read Before Buying Your Next Stock

10 Books To Read Before Buying Your Next Stock

Funds management involves a lot of synthesis of information and reading. Over the years we all end up reading many investment books and refer to them from time to time.

The team at Cadence has compiled a list of books that have influenced our investment style, or helped provide insight into the investment process.

Whilst not an exhaustive list, the 10 titles contained in this eBook provide a good starting point for any interested investor.

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