February 2017
February 2017

For the month of February 2017 Cadence Capital Limited returned a positive gross performance of 1.1% compared to an increase in the All Ordinaries Accumulation Index of 2.1%. For the financial year to date, Cadence Capital Limited has returned a positive gross performance of 10.4% compared to an increase in the All Ordinaries Accumulation Index of 11.4%.

On the 15th February 2017 the Company announced a 4.0 cent fully-franked interim dividend. This equates to a 6.7% annual fully franked yield, or a 9.6% gross yield (grossed up for franking credits) based on the CDM share price at the time of the announcement. The Ex-Date for the dividend is the 12th April 2017 and the payment date is the 28th April 2017. Shareholders can participate in the Dividend Re-Investment Plan (“DRP”) at a 3% discount. The DRP Record Date is 19th April 2017. If you would like to participate in the DRP please complete the DRP Application Form and return it to our Share Registry, BoardRoom Pty Limited. (Their address is on the form).

As at the 28th February 2017 the fund was holding 15% cash (85% invested).

Fund NTA

 NTA table

Fund Performance

Performance Table

* Before Management and Performance Fees

**These numbers include the franking value of the substantial dividend from its RHG holding received in May 2011.

CDM Share Price and Option Returns plus Dividends & Franking

 SP and Div column chart

* CDM 1 year figures reflect the share price move from a premium to a discount to NTA

Fully Franked Dividends Declared Since Listing

Dividend table

* Off market equal access buy back

Historic Portfolio Exposure

Exposure Line Chart

Portfolio Sector Analysis

Portfolio Sector Table

Top Portfolio Positions

Top Positions Table

Recent News Articles

The Australian Investors Association featured an article by Karl Siegling ‘Understanding PEG ratio’s and how to use them’ in the February 2017 Investor Update newsletter.

Please also visit our 52 books you should read before buying your next stock section on the Cadence website to view two new recently added titles.

To view all previous Cadence webcasts and press articles, please visit the Media Section of the website.


10 Books To Read Before Buying Your Next Stock

10 Books To Read Before Buying Your Next Stock

Funds management involves a lot of synthesis of information and reading. Over the years we all end up reading many investment books and refer to them from time to time.

The team at Cadence has compiled a list of books that have influenced our investment style, or helped provide insight into the investment process.

Whilst not an exhaustive list, the 10 titles contained in this eBook provide a good starting point for any interested investor.

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