Our History
Established in 2003, Cadence Asset Management is a management owned Sydney-based Equity Fund Manager that combines both Fundamental and Technical research with the aim of delivering above market risk adjusted returns.
Having spent many years developing the disciplined Cadence Investment Philosophy, Company Founder & Chairman, Karl Siegling, established Cadence Asset Management in 2003 to manage a portfolio based on fundamental and technical analysis, along with a disciplined stock entry/exit strategy.
A substantial portion of the team’s personal wealth is invested alongside investors we believe this alignment of interest is critical in funds management.
The Cadence Capital Fund was the first fund open for investment in 2003, followed by Cadence Capital Limited in October 2005. Cadence Opportunities Fund Limited launched in January 2019.
We invest our money alongside yours
Cadence Asset Management has two Listed Investment Companies: Cadence Capital Limited (ASX: CDM) and Cadence Opportunities Fund Limited (ASX: CDO). Both funds are suitable for all investor types, including SMSFs.
10 Books To Read Before Buying Your Next Stock
Funds management involves a lot of synthesis of information and reading. Over the years we all end up reading many investment books and refer to them from time to time.
The team at Cadence has compiled a list of books that have influenced our investment style, or helped provide insight into the investment process.
Whilst not an exhaustive list, the 10 titles contained in this eBook provide a good starting point for any interested investor.