Cadence Capital Limited historically has delivered an attractive fully franked return to investors.
The fund has a historic fully franked dividend yield of 5%-8% p.a., and paying franking credits in excess of the broader market.
Fully Franked Dividends Since Listing
Dividend Policy
The Board of the Company is committed to paying a continuous and growing stream of fully franked dividends to shareholders provided the Company is able, has sufficient franking credits and it is within prudent business practices.
Dividends are paid on a six-monthly basis.
The Board may from time-to-time pay Special dividends if deemed prudent to do so.
Cadence Capital Share Price Returns
Including Dividends and Franking (September 2024)
Dividend Reinvestment Plan
The Company has a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP). The Directors will make a decision on whether the DRP is operational for each dividend at the time that that dividend is announced.
More information, including the DRP Election Form, can be found in the Dividend Reinvestment Plan section.
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10 Books To Read Before Buying Your Next Stock
Funds management involves a lot of synthesis of information and reading. Over the years we all end up reading many investment books and refer to them from time to time.
The team at Cadence has compiled a list of books that have influenced our investment style, or helped provide insight into the investment process.
Whilst not an exhaustive list, the 10 titles contained in this eBook provide a good starting point for any interested investor.